ArcGIS StoryMaps
Holderness Coast Virtual Fieldtrip 2020
British Geological Survey
index to relevant articles
British Geological Survey
Aldbrough Coastal Landslide Observatory
Landslides and coastal erosion at Aldbrough (includes video)
Internal Report OR/11/063, 2001 to 2013
See also under references: Hobbs et al. (2019b)
Channel Coastal Observatory
Technical Report -Seabed Mapping - East Riding 2014
East Riding of Yorkshire Coastal Habitat Monitoring Project 2015
add to basket then download
Crown Estate
Aggregate dredging and the Humber coastline
DHV Group (2013)
EUROSION Case Study: Holderness Coast
Sewerby cliff interpretation
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Coastal Explorer
Coastal Information Pack
Coastal Explorer Interactive Map
Coastal Asset Directory
Coastal Defences (pictures)
Looking after our coastline /
Defending the East Riding coastline
Development of the coastline (geological)
Life on the Edge: Managing a changing coast
aerial flyover videos (June 2003)
England Coastal Path
Natural England (2018)
local maps (pdf)
Easington to Filey Brigg
update August 2020
representations and comments
Asken Ltd with John Chatterton Associates (2015)
Risks to potential future coastal path users on the Holderness Coast
English Heritage / Humber Field Archaeology (2008)
Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment (RCZA), Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
English Heritage (Historic England) / Humber Field Archaeology (2013/14)
Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (RCZA / RCZAS), Yorkshire & Lincolnshire: Phase 3
World War Monuments
Environment Agency
Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs)
second generation (SMP2)
Environmental Systems Research Institute (esri)/ArcGIS
The Holderness Coast - living with coastal erosion
Story map by S Richardson (2017)
Halcrow Group Ltd (2013)
Coastal Change Adaptation Planning Guidance: East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Consultation draft
Historic England
RCZAS Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: Bempton to Donna Nook Phase 2 Part 1 (2011)
Aerial Photo Explorer
Hull Geological Society
Humberside Geologist Online
HM Government
Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme (Press release 2022)
Marine Conservation Zones: Holderness Inshore (2016)
Humber Estuary Coastal Authorities Group (HECAG) (2010)
Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan
Non-Technical Summary (draft)
(shows expected shoreline positions for 2025, 2055, 2105)
Kenneth Pye Associates Ltd
Holderness Erosion and Evolution of the Spurn Peninsula
Presentation by K Pye and S Blott
Internet Geography
The Holderness Coast
Withernsea defences extension (2020)
Leeds Geological Association
Field Visit Reports Summer 2014
3. Holderness: Glacial Features in Holderness
Military Histories
Exploring East Yorkshire's Coastline
Pillbox Study Group
Pumpkin Interactive
Sustainable Coastal Management: Holderness
Promotional clip for educational DVD
Spurn, Kilnsea and Easington Area Local Studies
Timothy's Travels
Drone videos.
UK Fossils Network
East Riding
University of Hull
The East Riding Coastline: Past, Present and Future
University of Sheffield
BRITICE (2017)
Wikimedia Commons
Coastal erosion in the East Riding of Yorkshire
Withernsea Coastal Change Observatory
Yorkshire Marine Nature Partnership (2022)
Concrete Coast Project
Yorkshire Water
Withernsea Long Sea Outfall (2020)
case study
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
cliff erosion data table
cliff erosion loss table
beach profiles
erosion map
Coastal Explorer (interactive)
Extended Defence of Britain (interactive)
NLS old map collection
archive maps index
Old Maps Online
Google Earth
UK Grid Reference Finder
Channel Coastal Observatory
map viewer
distance calculator
erosion calculator (download)
East Yorkshire tide times
Migrants Way
Spurn Head to Filey Brigg (2020)
Africa Gomez
Round the Island
Bridlington to Hornsea (July 2011)
Aldbrough to Hornsea (October 2012)
Aldbrough to Withernsea (September 2016)
Kilnsea to Spurn (March 2017)
Withernsea to Easington via Kilnsea (March 2017)
Jon Combe
Changing Horizons
Coastal change and the fishing industry in Holderness
Heritage project commissioned by East Riding of Yorkshire Council
December 2013
An exploration of climate change and coastal erosion
Energy and Environment Institute, University of Hull, working with students and staff from Withernsea High School
July 2021
Spurn Through the Ages
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust / CITiZAN
January 2021
Ash, J, Fenn, T, Daly, E (Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd),
Morgan, N, Tucker, M (Watsons),
and Willis, K (University of Newcastle) (2009)
‘Changes in asset values on eroding coasts’
Joint DEFRA/Environment Agency
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D Programme
Technical report FD2623/TR
Ashton, A, Murray, A B, and Arnoult, O (2001)
‘Formation of coastline features by large-scale instabilities induced by high-angled waves’
Nature, 414, ‘letters to nature’, 296-300
Ayrton, H (1910)
‘The origin and growth of ripple-mark’
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 84:285-310
Ball, G, and several others (1905)
‘Correspondence. Coast erosion and erosion of the Holderness coast of Yorkshire’
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 159, 100-142
One of four related papers – see also Carey, A E, and Matthews, E R
first page (ICE Virtual Library)
Barkwith, A, Hurst, M D, Thomas, C W, Ellis, M A, Limber, P W,
and Murray, A B (2013)
’Assessing the influence of sea walls on the coastal vulnerability of a pinned, soft-cliff, sandy coastline’
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, 1, 1127-1149
Barkwith, A, Thomas, C W, Limber, P W, Ellis, M A, and Murray, A B (2013)
‘Assessing the natural morphological sensitivity of a pinned, soft-cliff, sandy coast to a changing wave climate’
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, 1, 855-889
revised 2014
Barton, M, and Brown, S (2014)
‘Littoral drift barriers and the problem of proving accelerated recession’
Lollino, G, Manconi, A, Locat, J, Huang, Y, and Canals Artigas, M (eds)
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory
Vol 4: Marine and Coastal Processes
Bateman, M D, Buckland, P C, Whyte, M A, Ashurst, R A, Boulter, C, and Panagiotakopulu, E (2011)
‘Re-evaluation of the Last Glacial Maximum typesite at Dimlington, UK’
Boreas, 40, 4, 573-584
Bateman, M D, and Catt, J A (1996)
‘An absolute chronology for the raised beach and associated deposits at Sewerby, East Yorkshire, England’
Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol II, 389-395
Bateman, M D, Evans, D J A, Buckland, P C, Connell, E R, Friend, R J, Hartman, D, Moxon, H, Fairburn, W A, Panagiotakopulu, E, and Ashurst, R A (2015)
‘Last glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet’
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126 (6), 712-730
Bateman, M D, Evans, D J A, Roberts, D H, Medialdea, A, Ely, J, and Clark, C D (2018)
‘The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British-Irish Ice Sheet’
Boreas, 47, 41-61
Bateman, M D, McHale, K, Bayntun, H J, and Williams, N (2020)
‘Understanding historical coastal spit evolution: A case study from Spurn, East Yorkshire, UK’
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 14, 3670-3686
Beaumont, L (fieldwork 2009)
‘The Provenance of the Glacial Tills on the Holderness Coast, East Yorkshire, UK’
Hull Geological Society
Humberside Geologist, 15
Bell, F G (2002)
‘The geotechnical properties of some till deposits occurring along the coastal areas of eastern England’
Engineering Geology, 63, 49-68
Berridge, N G, and Pattison, J (1994)
‘Geology of the Country around Grimsby and Patrington’
Memoir of the British Geological Survey, 1:50,000 geological sheets 81, 82, 90 and 91
London: HMSO
Bisat, W S (1939)
‘Older and newer drift in East Yorkshire’
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 24, 137-151
project (2014-2019)
Blewett, J C (1998)
‘Measurement of suspended sediment transport processes off the Holderness coast – southern North Sea, England’
PhD thesis, University of Plymouth
Boston, C M (2007)
‘An examination of the geochemical properties of Late
Devensian glacigenic sediments in Eastern England’
MSc thesis, University of Durham
Boston, C M, Evans, D J A, and Ó Cofaigh, C (2010)
‘Styles of till deposition at the margin of the Last Glacial Maximum North Sea lobe of the British-Irish Ice Sheet: an assessment based on geochemical properties of glacigenic deposits in eastern England’
Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (23-24), 3184-3211
Boyes, S, Cutts, N, and Elliott, M (2010)
‘Aldbrough Gas Storage Project: Environmental considerations for leaching infrastructure protection through erosion control’
Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull
Report to Jacobs/Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE)
Reference No: ZBB758-F-2010
Boyes, S, Barnard, S, and Elliott, M (2016)
The East Riding Coastline: Past, present and future (pdf)
University of Hull, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies
Boyle, J R (1889)
The Lost Towns of the Humber
Hull: A Brown & Sons
Brown, S (2008)
‘Soft cliff retreat adjacent to coastal defences, with particular reference to Holderness and Christchurch Bay, UK’
PhD thesis, University of Southampton
Brown, S, Barton, M E, and Nicholls, R J (2011)
‘Coastal retreat and/or advance adjacent to defences in England and Wales’
Journal of Coastal Conservation,15, (4), 659-670
Brown, S, Barton, M E, and Nicholls, R J (2012)
‘The effect of coastal defences on cliff top retreat along the Holderness coastline’
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 59 (1), 1-13
Brown, S, Barton, M E, and Nicholls, R J (2014)
‘Shoreline response of eroding soft cliffs due to hard defences’
Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineeers
Maritime Engineering, 167, 1, 3-14
Brown, S, Barton, M E, and Nicholls, R J (2016)
‘The influence of groyne fields and other hard defences on the shoreline configuration of soft cliff coastlines’
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton
Bryn, P, Berg, K, Forsberg, C F, Solheim, A, and Kvalstad, T J (2005)
‘Explaining the Storegga Slide’
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 11-19
Burke, H F, Morgan, D J, Kessler, H, and Cooper, A H (2010)
A 3D geological model of the superficial deposits of the Holderness area
Natural Environment Research Council: British Geological Survey
Geology and Landscape Programme Commissioned Report CR/09/132
Busfield, M E, Lee, J R, Riding, J B, Zalasiewicz, J, and Lee, S V (2015)
‘Pleistocene till provenance in east Yorkshire: reconstructing ice flow of the British North Sea Lobe’
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126, 86-99
Butcher, A P (1991)
‘The observation and analysis of a failure in a cliff of glacial clay till
at Cowden, Holderness’
The Institute of Civil Engineers
Slope Stability Engineering: Developments and applications
Proceedings of an international conference held Isle of Wight, 15-18 April 1991
London: Thomas Telford
Google Books
Cambers, G (1973)
‘The retreat of unconsolidated quaternary cliffs’
PhD thesis, University of East Anglia
Volume1 Volume 2
Cambers, G (1976)
‘Temporal scales in coastal erosion systems’
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 1, 2, 246-256
abstract and first page
Carey, A E (1905)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 159, 42-57
One of four related papers – see also Ball, G, and Matthews, E R
first page (ICE Virtual Library)
Carey, A E, and several others (1905)
‘Discussion. Coast erosion and erosion of the Holderness coast of Yorkshire’
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 159, 79-100
One of four related papers – see also Ball, G, and Matthews, E R
first page (ICE Virtual Library)
Castedo Ruiz, R (2012)
‘A more complete process-response model for soft rock cliff recession’
‘Modelización de costas rocosas acantiladas’
PhD thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
144-177 (161-194 pdf) in English
Castedo, R, Paredes, C, Murphy, W, and Lawrence, J (2012)
‘A new process-response coastal recession model of soft rock cliffs’
Geomorphology, 177-178, 128-143
Castedo, R, Paredes, C, Murphy, W, and Lawrence, J (2012)
‘Process-response coastal bluff recession model, applicable to Holderness coast (UK)’
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, No 33
Geomorphology, 177-178, 128-143
Castedo, R, de la Vega-Panizo, R, Fernández-Hernández, M, and Paredes, C (2014)
‘Measurement of historical cliff-top changes and estimation of future trends
using GIS data between Bridlington and Hornsea - Holderness Coast (UK)’
Geomorphology, 230, 146-160
Castedo, R, Paredes, C, de la Vega-Panizo, R, and Santos, A P (2017)
‘The modelling of coastal cliffs and future trends’
Skukla, D (ed)
Hydro-Geomorphology: Models and trends
Catt, J A (1987)
Ellis, S (ed)
East Yorkshire Field Guide, 82-98
(Prepared for Short Field Meeting held at Hull, 11-14 September 1987)
Cambridge: Quaternary Research Association
Catt, J A (1987)
Ellis, S (ed)
East Yorkshire Field Guide, 53-57
(Prepared for Short Field Meeting held at Hull, 11-14 September 1987)
Cambridge: Quaternary Research Association
Catt, J A (2001)
‘Dimlington Cliff’
Bateman, M D, Buckland, P C, Frederick, C D, and Whitehouse, N J (eds)
The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire
Field Guide
London, Quaternary Research Association, 53-67
Catt, J A (2007)
‘The Pleistocene glaciations of eastern Yorkshire: a review’
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 56, 177-207
Catt, J A (2008)
‘The work of G W Lamplugh in understanding the Quaternary history of East Yorkshire’
Hull Geological Society
Humberside Geologist, 14
Catt, J A and Digby, P G N (1988)
‘Boreholes in the Wolstonian Basement Till at Easington, Holderness, July 1985’
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 47, 21-27
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‘The work of W S Bisat FRS on the Yorkshire coast’
Neale, J and Flenley, J (eds)
The Quaternary in Britain
Oxford: Pergamon Press
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‘The Pleistocene deposits of Holderness, East Yorkshire’
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 35 (3), No.16, 375-420
Ciavola, P (1997)
‘Coastal dynamics and impact of coastal protection works on the Spurn Head spit (UK)’
Catena, 30, 369-389
Clark, C D, Hughes, A L C, Greenwood, S L, Jordan, C, and Sejrup, H P (2012)
‘Pattern and timing of retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet’
Quaternary Science Reviews, 44, 112-146
Clark, C D, and 37 others (2022)
‘Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31,000 to 15,000 years ago: the BRITICE-CHRONO reconstruction’
Boreas, 51, 699–758
Clarke, B G (2018)
‘The engineering properties of glacial tills’
Geotechnical Research, 5, 4, 262-277
Clarke, R S (2015)
‘The development of hutment colonies - case study of Aldbrough Cliff Top colony, East Yorkshire’
South Ferriby, Lincolnshire: Richard Clarke
Clayton, K M (2003)
extracted from
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Coastal Geomorphology of Great Britain
Geological Conservation Review Series, 28, 4, 195
Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee
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‘Doggerland: A speculative survey’,
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 64, 45-81
David Tyldesley and Associates (2003)
‘The rollback of caravan and holiday home parks from the eroding East Yorkshire coastline’
Report to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Document reference 1455 appendices
Davidson-Arnott, R (2010)
Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology
Cambridge University Press
front matter
Defra/Environment Agency (2004)
Understanding and predicting beach morphological change processes associated with the erosion of cohesive foreshores - scoping report
Author: Brew, D S
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D Programme
Technical Report FD1915/TR
Defra/Environment Agency (2007)
Understanding and predicting beach morphological change associated
with the erosion of cohesive shore platforms
Authors: Royal Haskoning, British Geological Survey, University of Sussex,
Newcastle University
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D Programme
Technical Report FD1926/TR
final report
Defra/Environment Agency (2015)
Delivering benefits through evidence: Cost estimation for coastal protection - summary of evidence
Authors: Hudson, T, Keating, K, and Pettit, A
JBA Consulting
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D Programme
Report SC080039/R7
Defra/Environment Agency (2015)
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Coastal Change Pathfinder projects
Joint Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D Programme
Final report FD2679
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‘Phased occupation and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea; geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe’
Quaternary Science Reviews, 163, 114-134
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East Riding Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan
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Google Books
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Glaciation: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press
Google Books
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White Rose Repository
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Journal of Quaternary Science, 10, 3, 241-265
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The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire
Field Guide
London, Quaternary Research Association, 1-12
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Cambridge: Quaternary Research Association
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Page prepared by Brian Williams in 2014. Last change 17 October 2024.